Sunday, March 26, 2006

Visual aids to "Cloud on the Couch"

Cloud Strife, protagonist and subject of "Cloud on the Couch" (click to view full-size image):

Top: Tetsuya Nomura hand-drawn artwork
Above middle: Polygon model (for use in-game)
Immediate above: CG rendered model (for use in FMV)

Here we see Cloud striking the same pose, in three images of different media, with his trademark Buster Sword (phallic symbol!) in hand. As you can see, I do not exagerrate the remarkable size of this weapon. You will notice that Cloud is not a particularly muscular guy, but he has no problem wielding Buster Sword. He is also at one point able to pull himself and Tifa up out of danger WITH ONE ARM in the situation depicted below (from an FMV):
In other words, Cloud is supernaturally strong. That's the power of the Jenova/Mako treatment for ya'! The Mako infusion, incidentally, is why Cloud's eyes are a luminescent greenish-blue, as depicted here in this handrawn concept-art portrait by Tetsuya Nomura, in which Cloud stares into your soul:

Sephiroth, the first father-figure Cloud ever knows:

Top: Tetsuya Nomura hand-drawn artwork
Immediate above: Polygon model (for use in-game)

Here we see Sephiroth striking the same pose, in two images of different media, with his trademark Masamune (phallic symbol!). Again, I was not exagerrating the remarkable size of this weapon--it's longer than he is tall! Below are some stills from some of the game's FMV. See what I mean about "big eyes" and "sharp, delicate features?"
Notice also that Sephiroth's eyes have the same Mako gleam that Cloud's do.

Tifa Lockheart, Cloud's love-object:

Above: Tetsuya Nomura hand-drawn artwork
Right: Polygon model (for use in-game)

Well, here's Tifa. Comments about her prominent bust have been running since Final Fantasy VII came out, so I can't really say anything on that matter which hasn't already been said. I just want to take this opportunity to point out that she has really big FEET, too!

Zack, Cloud's surrogate male role model:

Pictures of Zack are really hard to come by. For such an important character, he really has very little screen time. But, then again, he is really only important to Cloud's backstory, and not to the external plot action of the game, so it's understandable. Here is a portrait of Zack done as concept art by Tetsuya Nomura:

Here is the photo taken at the start of the ill-fated Nibelheim mission (left to right--Zack with Buster Sword, Tifa, Sephiroth):
And finally, we have a photo of Zack, in-game, which I took with my digital camera. Take a look, it is absolutely craptacular:
That's Zack, front and center, with Buster Sword strapped to his back.


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